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Shandean images

April 2019:
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman, Volume 6, pp. 71, London: Printed for T. Beckett and P.A. Dehondt, in the Strand, 1762.

October 2018:
Život a názory blahorodého pana Tristrama Shandyho, Czech edition, translated by Aloys Skoumal, illustrations by Jiří Ŝalamoun, printed by Odeon, 1985, p. 521.

March 2018:
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman, Volume 3, pp. 170-171, London, printed for R. and J. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1761

November 2017:
Dent/Everyman’s Library editions

The Works of Laurence Sterne in Six Volumes, Vols. 1-3 The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman, Vol. 4 A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, Vols. 5-6 Letters Sermons and Miscellaneous Writings of Laurence Sterne, edited by George Saintsbury, illustrations by E.J. Wheeler, London, Dent, 1894

The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman, introduction by George Saintsbury, London/Toronto, Dent; New York, Dutton, Everyman’s Library 1930

Tristram Shandy, introduction by George Saintsbury, London, Dent, Everyman’s Library 1946

A Sentimental Journey & The Journal to Eliza, introduction by Daniel George, London/New York, Dent/Dutton, Everyman’s Library 1960

Tristram Shandy, introduction by George Saintsbury, London/New York, Dent/Dutton, Everyman’s Library 1964

A Sentimental Journey and The Journal to Eliza, introduction by Daniel George, London/New York, Dent/Dutton, Everyman’s Library 1969

Tristram Shandy, introduction by George Saintsbury, London/New York, Dent/Dutton, Everyman’s Library 1972

A Sentimental Journey, The Journal to Eliza, introduction by Daniel George, London/New York, Dent/Dutton, Everyman’s Library 1976

Tristram Shandy, introduction by George Saintsbury, London/Melbourne/Toronto, Dent, Everyman’s Library 1982

A Sentimental Journey and Other Writings, edited by Tom Keymer, London/Vermont, Dent/Tuttle, Everyman 1994

September 2017:
Arthur H. Cash, Laurence Sterne The Early & Middle Years (Methuen 1975), Laurence Sterne The Later Years (Methuen 1986

July 2017:
Melvyn and Joan New, W.G. Day, Peter de Voogd, W.B. Gerard, The Florida Edition of the Works of Laurence Sterne, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, Volumes 1-9 (1978-2014)

June 2017:

The Shandean, an annual volume devoted to Laurence Sterne and his works, Volumes 1-27 (1989-2016) in cloth binding